12 Desember 2018

Cerita Kami

It's been 4 months since we get married.

Masih inget Desember tahun lalu, saya memperkenalkan Nadhil kepada keluarga saya di sebuah restoran di Jakarta. Siapa yang nyangka bahwa dalam satu tahun ini status saya sudah berubah dari single jadi married. Dulu tiap kali ditanya kapan nikah, kayaknya sebel banget. Jadi super sensitif gitu. Bahkan pernah saya berfikir tidak mau pulang saat lebaran karena malas ditanyain kapan nikah. Muka saya bisa berubah 180 derajat jadi super sinis dan jutek kalo ada yang mulai membahas masalah jodoh. Sebel banget pokoknya. Bahkan dulu, saking pengennya dapat jodoh, saya beberapa kali melakukan kesalahan hanya untuk "feeling secured".

Memang kayaknya yang namanya asmara, merupakan bagian yang paling suram dalam hidup saya. Kayaknya gak jodoh aja gitu. Tiap kali suka sama orang, orangnya gak suka sama saya. Atau kebalikan, tiap ada yang suka saya, saya gak suka sama orangnya. Gitu aja terus gantian. Makanya dulu saya sampe muak dan gak mau fokus ke situ lagi biar gak kepikiran. 

Dulu awalnya deket sama Nadhil pun juga nothing to loose. Waktu itu dikenalin sama Odi, temen SMA yang juga teman kuliahnya Nadhil. Kalo gak salah itu di awal tahun 2017. Karena dia kerja di Papua, jadi gak intens komunikasinya. Untungnya kami berdua tipe yang santai aja gitu, jadi kalo lagi gak sibuk baru balas line, begitupun sebaliknya. Tipe yang di weekend malah ngilang, karena kami sama2 lagi me time, gak mau diganggu. Trus ajaibnya waktu itu roommate Nadhil, Enggar adalah teman SMA juga yang lagi deket sama Afin, salah satu temen dekatku. Jadi memang aneh aja bisa deket. 

Trus di bulan Juli, dia pengen jadi lebih serius. Tapi waktu itu saya mempertanyakan lagi kesiapannya. Karena menurut saya, hubungan itu tidak lagi hanya untuk sekedar dekat, tapi punya tujuan untuk menikah pada akhirnya. Di saat yang saya, saya memiliki kesempatan untuk pergi ke tanah suci. Di sana saya berdoa pada Allah. Jika memang dia jodoh yang terbaik bagi saya, maka mudahkanlah. Ternyata Oktober 2017, dia dipindah ke Jakarta. Pembicaraan terakhir pun menyatakan bahwa dia memang mau serius. Akhirnya, barulah saya mulai memperkenalkan dia dengan keluarga saya. Hal itu merupakan langkah besar bagi saya, karena jujur saya gak pernah bawa "cowok" untuk dikenalkan, jadi super nervous banget waktu itu.

Long story short, Allah benar-benar mempermudah niat kami. Awal tahun 2018, keluarganya datang ke rumah. Itu adalah pertama kalinya saya bertemu dengan keluarganya. Takut banget kalo misalnya keluarganya gak suka atau ada keberatan dengan hubungan kami. Alhamdulillah lancar, sehingga Maret pun langsung lamaran. Waktu itu lumayan panik, karena Nadhil mau berangkat S2 di Agustus akhir, jadi nikahnya harus di bulan Juli atau awal Agustus. Padahal kan kalo di Yogya cari gedung itu susah ya. Masih inget beberapa teman book gedung setahun sebelum. Tapi juga inget cerita Mei, teman SMA yang cari gedung H-2 bulan dan dapat. Mungkin itu namanya dimudahkan sama Allah ya, jadi akhirnya nemu gedung UMY yang kosong di tanggal 11 Agustus. Udah, cuma itu aja yang kosong, lainnya gak.

And here we are, 11 Agustus 2018 kami resmi menjadi suami istri. Bener-bener gak tau bahwa dalam waktu satu tahun ini, banyak kejadian yang saya alami. Bersyukur banget semua dimudahkan. Memang kita harus selalu berusaha dan berdoa. Karena rencana Allah selalu baik,


06 Desember 2018

The Power of Why - C. Richard Weylman

Reading this book, makes me reevaluate the way our marketing works. Is it already right??

Hello again, after few weeks off from blog, I thing it's the time to put another post about the book that I borrow from AADL library, "The Power of Why".

This book is a guidance of selling product based on Unique Value Promise rather than Unique Selling Proposition. In short, we should not advertise our product superiority, but touch the need of consumer and how our product will help the to solve it. I will start with the way I used to be selling the product. I think I always tell the consumer about the superiority of the product. How many DHA compare to other milk formula. What is our FOS GOS, and the fact that this is the only formula proven to help improve the immune, etc. So we focus on selling what is the product and force the consumer to think that they need it. While this book trying to find different approach to sell. 

In this book you need to focus on the customer wants, what they are doing, and what they want to accomplish. That will be our UVP, it is give by our customer. Why we need to do that? Because competition in the market is really though. If we do not distinct our company, what is the reason they choose you? Everyday there will be new company, new product, cheaper one, better one. And it makes the customer move to other brand easily. Loyalty to one brand is rare, so we need to be excellent to be the consumer choice.

According to that, the book suggest us to interview our customer and ask, "why they choose our company?" and dig deeper, because the obvious answer is not the answer. It is not about what the company do or best at, but why consumer need to choose our company. It need to be done in a private and one on one session. Not by email, or phone.

The book explain the detail and step by step of doing it. From prepare for the interview, crafting the UVP, get the UVP is spread through the organisation, marketing it, and how to exceed expectation in customer service. I think it is really thorough because the writer is a consulting. He is already help several company to run their business with UVP in mind.

Something that stroke into my mind is, having the concept of UVP is not easy. It need trial and error to understand the consumer. You cannot measure the satisfaction of your consumer just by reading the review in the site. Because usually it just said "Great" "Good" like a lip service you give to your boss when he asked about your life. Finding the route cost of why people buy our product and service and recreate it to get into the emotional state of consumer is the key for loyal consumer.

Another thing that I found is important is the way UVP is give to the all player in organisation. Although maybe UVP is created by sales and marketing department, the understanding and implementation cannot restricted into director only, but it need to be understand by all player in the organisation. Especially the first layer that contact with the consumer, for example is the waiter, cashier, or bellboy in the hotel. They need to deliver the UVP because it is what the company promise to give to consumer. No matter how good your UVP is, it will be worthless if you cannot execute it well. It can be a backfire if you fail to deliver it. You consumer can leave you.

Overall, I found this book is interesting to read. Give you a thought to think whether your way of marketing product is what consumer wants or not. And how can you improve it. Because if you doing it right, sales and profit will follow.

Just rambling

 Pernah gak sih kalian tu ngerasa bingung.. Mau ngapain ya? Duh bosan..  Trus berakhir dengan scrolling ig gak jelas.. Itulah yang kulakukan...