27 Oktober 2013

Self Reminder

I commit to challenge myself – to take risks – to see past obstacles – to be uninhibited – to be afraid, but courageous – to be embarrassed – to be humble – to be honest, but thoughtful – to be grateful – to be deliberate. I will break out of my comfort zone and let my passions and interests, rather than social expectations, guide me. I will develop relationships that cut below the surface, knowing that I will reveal my vulnerabilities, but recognizing that the sincerity and honesty of the relationships will be worth the risk

- Minh Chau, MBA 2015

from http://hbsrecruiting.wordpress.com

25 Oktober 2013

Naksir Pacar Orang?

"Kalo masih single kan saingannya banyak, tapi kalo udah taken kan saingannya cuma satu. Gampang.."

pernah denger suggestion kayak gitu?
Sering kali saat ngobrol ngalur ngidul sama temen, trus ada yang cerita kalo naksir sama orang. Tapi sayangnya yang ditaksir udah punya pacar, ada tu yang nyeletuk kayak gitu. Hehe.. itu juga pengalaman pribadi. Dulu saya pernah naksir gitu sama cowok. Dan cowok itu udah taken. haha... Sedih sih, tapi yaudah cukup tau aja. Gak ngapa-ngapain lagi.

Q: Memangnya gak mau nyoba ngedeketin?

Kalo saya pribadi sih langsung back off pas tau kalo orang yang ditaksir udah punya pacar. Gak mau nekat ngedeketin, apalagi sampai niat ngerebut pacar orang. Why? alasan saya sih sesimpel saya gak mau digituin.

Saya gak mau besok kalo punya pacar, trus ada cewek yang naksir pacar saya. Dan akhirnya direbut deh pacar saya. Karma does exist. Saya sih percaya kalo kamu berbuat baik atau jahat, suatu saat pasti bakal balik ke diri sendiri. Coba bayangin kamu posisinya sebagai yang direbut? Sakit hati kan pasti? Jadi jangan coba-coba deh main api. Eh tapi ini pendapat saya lo ya.

Menurut saya hubungan pacaran itu ya urusan dua orang tersebut. Kalo misalnya mereka putus, ya karena keputusan mereka sendiri. Masalah mereka sendiri, bukan karena ada orang ketiga yang keganjenan ngerebut. Nah, misalnya alasan cowok atau ceweknya putus karena suka sama orang lain, atau malah suka sama kita. yaaaa... haha.. Itu namanya keberuntungan. :p

Kalo memang suka sama suka yaudah jalanin aja. Tapi harus inget bahwa ada resiko. Biasanya jadi bahan gosipan orang. Saya sih cuek aja sama apa kata orang. Selama itu gak merugikan, biasanya masuk telinga kanan keluar telinga kiri. Tapi yaa orang kan beda-beda. Tergantung diri sendiri sih.

Anyway, perasaan menurut saya itu mengalir, jadi gak bisa disalahin sukanya sama siapa. Cuma ya inget aja kalo gak boleh egois. Ketika kamu suka sama seseorang, kamu gak bisa maksain orang itu suka sama kamu. Kan mereka juga punya perasaan sendiri. Jadi kalo dianya udah punya pacar, atau suka sama orang lain dan gak suka sama kita, ya gak boleh marah. Gak boleh ngambek. Itu harus diterima. Namanya risiko suka sama orang ya kayak gitu.

Kalo gak siap ditolak?
Jangan suka sama orang kalo gitu... :p

10 Juni 2013


Z: "Do you scared?"

A: "Yes, I'm scared"

Z: "Why?"

A: "When you turn to 20, there will be a lot of thing happened. You graduated, start to work, married, have a kids. Too much thing in you 20. 22 is old already. And I'm not ready getting old. I don't want to have a wrinkle in my face, spend most of the time take care of the children. I still want to achieve all of my dream. I want to travel, play and spend all the time with my friends. I am afraid that I will lost myself"

Z: "But in that time you will have a freedom to responsible for your own life. You can get money from your own hard work, spend it in your way, make more friends and meet your love. You can use your salary to travel around the world. And if you married, you will not travel alone. Someone beside you is a good thing. Please remember, 22 is not old. It's your time to be the real you. As you can explore many things. be adventurous! I am sure that you will be success. Yes you do "

Face the real world. 
age just a number.

It's your time to shine

Happy 22nd 

13 Mei 2013

Culinary Tour in Daegu - Backpacking Korea trip

It's 23rd of February. And I wake up in Daegu this morning. I can't believe that it's already my third city in Korea. I visited Daegu because my Korea friend live here and I want to meet them. We make appointment to meet at 11 am. So I can wake up late today and don't have to be rush. We meet for lunch, they ask me what I want to eat. Since I can't eat pork, I told them that I want to eat something that have a big portion. I remember in Gyeongju I can't eat Jjimdak because they only sell it in a big portion for 2-4 people. So, I told them that I want to eat Jjimdak. 

As you can tell in the picture I met two cute korean girls. The first girl with a glasses is Hime. And the other one is Tommy. They have a difficult korean name Hime real name is Kim SeolHui and Tommy is Jeong Eunseom. We go to a famous Jjimdak restaurant in Daegu. So, what is JJimdak? Jjimdak is a food that consist of a chicken and really spicy. We order food for 3 people and it was really big. We eat with rice, and with many difficulties we eat all. After eat, we go to train station because our Japanese friend will comeback to iroshima after 2 weeks exchange in Korea. It was sad that I met them on the day they come back home. 

17 Maret 2013

Moving around Gyeongju part 2- Backpacking Korea Trip

On the last day in Gyeongju, I make a promise to meet one of my Korean friend, Aram. Because I have to check out from the hostel, I take my big baggage with me to our meeting place, Gyeongju station. How?? Of course I have to push it by myself for 20 minutes walk. It was so tiring.. Yesterday I said that it is near, only take 10 minutes walk. But if you walk with a big baggage like me, it become double. trust me.. -.-

Fortunately, the big locker still available that morning. Thanks God!! I pay 3000 won for the locker and wait for Aram. The good thing about my guesthouse is I get a free breakfast! So, each person can take 2 slice of bread, one boiled egg, jam butter and coffee or tea. It was a good thing so you don't have to buy something for eat. 

With Aram we go to Gyeongju Teddy Bear Museum!! It costs 9000 won. At first I didn't know that Gyeongju has a teddy bear museum too. As I know, teddy bear museum is in Jeju Island and Namsan tower, Seoul. So I was surprised that Gyeongju has it. When I was come, the first dorama is about dinosaurs ? I don't know what the meaning of this but the story said about the time machine. After that we go to dynasty of Korea with a dorama of many famous attraction in Gyeongju. I found that it was interesting. You learn about history with a cute teddy bear dorama. Who will not see it?? It makes people learn in an interesting way. ^^

26 Februari 2013

Moving around Gyeongju part 1 - Backpacking Korea Trip

The journey from Busan to Gyeongju take around one hour. I arrive in Gyeongju around 17.00 pm. It was nice that my hostel is near the express bus station so I don't have to take many time to go there.

My hostel name is Nahbi Guesthouse. It was really near from the station. Maybe 5 minutes walk? But since I come with a big baggage, I need 10-15 minutes to reach there. The man is really nice. I took a female dormitory room with 4 bed. The room is nice and we have private bathroom which is really good. At night I try to search for food but ended up buy some chicken and jajangmyun instant from Supermarket. The chicken is cost 6600 won, and it was really big. I can't finish it all. (Ok, actually I only eat 1/4, and I throw away the rest.. :( ). I don't spend many times outside because I want to take a rest for the next day.

So, in 21 Feb I wake up around 9 and plan to go to Bulguksa and Seokguram. Both of them is a World heritage place. There are a lot of information in the hostel. They give you the map and tell you which bus to go to the tourist place. I take bus no 10 from near my hostel. The bus has a standard fare. So basically you pay 1500 won for one trip. The bus that reach Bulguksa from my neighbourhood is bus no 10, 11 and 700. After I reach the place, I go to tourist information and take some pamphlet. I have to walk up for around 5 minutes to reach the place. I saw many cars there. I think Korean people tend to go everywhere by car since it's easier.

22 Februari 2013

2 Days 1 Night in Busan - Backpacking Korea Trip

My HUE Exchange program already end at 31 january. And as my father told me, I decided to go around Korea first before I comeback to Indonesia. Why I choose Korea? The reason is because it's near from Japan. Anddd.... I really want to go there because of all kpop and variety show that I watched. I want to try Korean Food. And I want to go to the romantic places. So, I told myself that I have to do that even tough I will be travel alone.

My journey start at 19 Feb 2013. I took a ferry from Fukuoka to Busan. From Hakata Port International Ferry, I take JR Beetle that cost 13,000 yen (around Rp 1.300.000). My ferry will depart at 10 AM, so I have to come to the part one hour earlier. The most awesome about Japan is the way the transportation work. At 9.45 the passenger already go to the ferry and at 10.00 AM, the ferry was departed on time. I think the ferry is good. it was comfortable. I was sleeping on my way to Busan. This is the link about the ferry. http://www.jrbeetle.co.jp/Internet/index.html

Ah, there is one thing that I love about Japan. In Japan there is such an amazing tradition. So, when you left from restaurant or shopping, people will say thank you until you cannot seen anymore. And that is something that happened in JR Beetle. All staff were line up and bow as the ferry depart, they even waved as we moved on. I am really surprised by their acting actually. Japan is really good for their services. You will never disappointed. maybe that's why their services is so damn expensive. The price of food that you eat in the restaurant can double than take out. Anyway, back to the JR ferry, I feel that I am really special and moved by their action. :)

13 Januari 2013

Late post about 2013

Entah mengapa, saya tidak terlalu antusias dengan hadirnya tahun baru. Tahun 2013, tahun yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh beberapa orang yang berniat untuk memulai hidup yang baru. Biasanya semua orang membuat sebuah resolusi menjelang tahun baru ini. Tapi entah mengapa, saya tidak bergairah sama sekali membahasnya.

1 Januari 2013
saya lewati di Kyoto di tengah kerumunan orang Jepang di depan sebuah temple. Tidak ada keributan, tidak ada countdown, tidak ada gemerlapnya kembang api. Saya sempat kaget sebenarnya, karena menurut cerita akan ada lonceng tahun baru di tempat tersebut. Tapi nyatanya? kosong... agak nge-zonk sakjane..

Di perjalanan pulang ke hostel, saya ditanya oleh teman saya.

"What is your resolution this year?"

".................. I don't have any."

Yap,, saya belum sama sekali memikirkan apapun untuk tahun baru ini.
Biasanya saya adalah orang yang suka sekali merencanakan sesuatu. Resolusi itu pasti sudah saya buat sebelum pergantian tahun. Tapi tahun ini berbeda. Saya tidak punya gairah untuk menyusun resolusi tahun baru.

Saya rasa saya sudah terperangap di zona nyaman. Saat ini saya merasa ketakutan untuk kembali ke Indonesia. Ada perasaan tidak nyaman untuk kembali ke kehidupan nyata saya. Mengapa? Karena saat saya kembali, saya harus bekerja keras lagi. Menyusun skripsi, belajar untuk sidang, lulus, mencari kerja. Sebuah rencana masa depan yang tidak enak. Sedangkan saya di sini hanya bermain tanpa perlu khawatir akan masa depan. Waktu saya semakin berkurang, dan saya tidak ingin menghadapi kenyataan.

Dalam hati saya bertanya, anehkah jika saya tidak mempunyai sebuah resolusi?
Saat ini saya hanya ingin menikmati detik-detik terakhir saya di Hiroshima tanpa diganggu oleh pressure dan deadline akan sesuatu. 

Mungkin saya akan menyisihkan waktu untuk merenung, menyusun kembali rencana masa depan untuk membuat saya termotivasi lagi akan hidup. 
Yap,, I will..

#sehari menjelang ujian bahasa jepang, sebuah random talk..

Just rambling

 Pernah gak sih kalian tu ngerasa bingung.. Mau ngapain ya? Duh bosan..  Trus berakhir dengan scrolling ig gak jelas.. Itulah yang kulakukan...