10 Maret 2016

Review my 25 to do before 25


this is the third month of 2016. There is another 3 months for me before I turn 25!!
Since I make a goals before I turn 25, I think I need to make a review about how it goes. And maybe makes some change because there is something that I can't do for the next 3 months.

Why I make an adjustment, because as you guys know I moved to Bandung unexpectedly. It was not in my plan. So, some of my wishlist will be impossible. And some of my wishlist just too specific, so I will make it more general. I need to make it more flexible so it will achievable.

1. Travel to Japan or Korea (again... yes again)    Visit or travel to a new place
2. Hit the gym 4 times a week  Work out 4 times a week
3. Loose 10 pounds
4. Paragliding in Malang    Try some Outdoor activities/ Adrenaline rush
5. Finish 6 books and write the review on blog
6. Learn how to cook
7. Get 7 in IELTS test!!!!  
8. Have IDR 30 million in my bank account
9. Do yoga at least once a week
10. Make a new friend
11. Volunteer
12. Go to bed before midnight 11 and become a morning person, wake up at 5 and not sleep again
13. Start a new habit in term of night praying
14. Take course. Web drawing? Sewing? Photography?
15. Decorate my bedroom
16. Post regularly on my blog. At least once a week
17. Visit all tourist place in Surabaya, Mojokerto, Gresik, Sidoarjo, Pasuruan.   Bandung and West Java
18. Make a DIY decoration
19.Send some postcard to my best friends.
20. Give a talk or presentation
21. Master new formula in excel
22. Learn to edit photo or video
23. Give a gift to your love one
24. Take a new challenge.
25. Spend my 25 birthday on vacation.

I make a change because I do something that accomplished my goals. In the last 3 months, this is what I am done:

1. Visit or travel to a new place

Pulau Biawak, Indramayu

New Friends: Ilham, Pebby, Ridwan

4. Try some Outdoor activities/ Adrenaline rush

Parasailing and Flying Fish in Tanjung Benoa, Bali

7. Get 7 in IELTS test!!!!  

10. Make a new friend 

Say Hello to Cepot, my new buddie in Bandung...

That's all that I achieve in the last 3 month. There still a lot of thing to do. I will try to do that as soon as possible.

Wish me luck!!! I am so excited to try all of that thing and achieve it

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Just rambling

 Pernah gak sih kalian tu ngerasa bingung.. Mau ngapain ya? Duh bosan..  Trus berakhir dengan scrolling ig gak jelas.. Itulah yang kulakukan...