30 Maret 2016

March Wrap Up!!


Today is the end of March and I am really happy to tell you that I work out this morning!!!
This is one of my achievement because I work out 5 times in this month, and I already doing it regularly. Last week I work out every two days. hehe.. I am so proud of my self.

This month, my focus on develop morning routine is a success. There is still more ways to go, but I am happy with my condition right now. I am planning to have light workout tomorrow and kick my ass to jogging again on the weekend.

For the past few years, my Daddy always told me that I need to have a workout routine. Because when you work, you need more energy and stamina to keep you up. Having it every day will increase you stamina and resistance. I realized that after work out you will feel good and this feeling help my mood become better for the rest of the day.

The difficult thing that I faced is having healthy and nutritionist breakfast. For the last two days I eat apple foe breakfast, but I only buy two so today I just eat whatever in front of the office to fill my stomach. This is something that I need to focus more on April. I need to buy a lot of fruit for breakfast or maybe some oats. Having a proper breakfast will help you to work well.

The last thing from my morning habit that I want to develop is to have a TO DO LIST or my 3 things to focus for the day. I realized that write it down makes me feel conscious about what I need to do for the day. 

Beside the three of it, I think I want to put another habit from my spiritual side. I want to do Shalat Dhuha regularly. Pray and feeling grateful for the things that Allah give me every morning, I want to increase my relationship with Allah.

I hope I can continue this habit every day for the rest of my life. Change something that is small, but regularly is the way I become a better me.

What is my April Focus on?
I will update you tomorrow..

Hope you also have a great March..


27 Maret 2016

No more free plastic bags in Bandung

In March 2016, the government of Bandung make a new regulation for plastic bag in the retail. Hyper mart, Supermarket and Mini market cannot give a plastic bag for free anymore. We need to pay Rp 200,- for one plastic bag.

"It is too cheap, what the difference that they can make?"

Maybe some of you will think like that. Feeling that the new regulation will not give a good impact in our environment. BUT, THEY DO. 

I can feel the difference, and I am trying to make a change in my lifestyle. Before this come up, I already aware about the damage of plastic bag. How much plastic bag that I used up, how it will not recycle until 100 years, yet I am still using plastic bag in my daily life. Plastic bag just convenient and I get it for free.

But now is different. Since we need to pay, people now aware about the plastic bag that they used. If you only buy a bottle of drink, or something that you can put on your bag, you will refuse to buy the plastic bag. It will not damage or harm you anyway. If you add up the number, I am pretty sure that it will reduce the amount of plastic bag we produce. 

Another changes is, the cashier in store will ask whether we bring our own grocery bag. They are not put your groceries in plastic bag directly. They will offer some alternative such as box as a replacement of plastic bag. If you buy a lot of stuff, rather than put in on 5 plastic bags and pay for Rp 1,000,- you can use boxes from the store, and it's free. 

I know that it just a matter of habit. You just need to change the way you shop, you need to bring your own bag. A little change in every body will give impact to our environment. Now, I am trying to bring my bag and reduce the number of plastic bag I produce.

There are a lot of inspirations in YouTube. They pursue a zero waste lifestyle. I realized that it is pretty hard for me to do that. But, I will try to make a small change. This is the right time to change. Maybe the government regulation is such a reminder for us. We need to give more attention about the way we live, the lifestyle we did, the trash that we produced, and their impact into our earth.

I hope that this regulation can get a fully support from people and another cities will follow soon. The world is sick now, we need to treat him better by change our habit into green lifestyle. You don't need to do something complicated. Just change your small habit from now, and consistently do it every day, and spread the news to people around you. You will thank yourself later.


15 Maret 2016

March Focus: Develop Morning Routine

Who likes to watch morning routine in YouTube videos?

I do....

I don't know why, but I like to see how people spend their morning. Maybe because it is the lifestyle that I dream of, or just having a good feeling that watching them makes me feel I already doing it. You know the feeling like, " I will make my morning like her". And we just feeling good as we did it even tough we didn't. 

Morning is my enemy. I remember that when I was in school, wake up at 5 am looks easy. But, now?? I don't know why it looks so hard. The bed just too comfy, my body doesn't feeling good, and other reasons that I can think of. What is the difference of the old me and the present me? I think that it just a habit. Habit is scary. You need to do that for 3 or 5 times, and your body just get used to it. Bad habit can form easily. On the other hand forming a good habit takes months. It need a hard work from yourself and discipline.

So, in my journey towards a better me. I want to have a good morning routine. My perfect schedule or my morning routine dream is:

Work Out
Healthy Breakfast
Write MIT for today

It looks easy, but trust me, start doing it is so hard...

That's why I would like to write it down in this blog, and update it whether I can do it or not. I really want to do that because having a good start will help you reduce the amount of "hectic morning" that people usually have.

Check this blog that have a good amount of morning routine from people around the world. Maybe you can find inspiration about how you spend your morning.


11 Maret 2016

Minimalism Journey - Goals

Since March is coming to the end, I realized that I already spent the first Quarter in 2016. In this blog I write a lot of thing about minimalism lately, because I have interest in it. I will try to write my journey, my thought and everything that will help me be a better person. I realized that writing down all things in my mind, I can reduced my stress level, make me think clearly and also improve my writing skills.

In this post, I want to tell you about the reason I try to pursue a minimalist lifestyle and simplify my life. I think write down your reason is important because it can be your reminder when you feeling down, motivate you when you feel sad, and makes you think in order.


The reason why I gain my interest in minimalism is because I watch a lot of YouTube videos. Since my last trip in Japan, I have interest in skincare, and I watch a lot of YouTube videos about Japanese skincare and review about them. It makes me want to buy a lot of skincare and make up. I just realized at the end of 2015 that I don't have much money left in my bank account. As I make a finance evaluation, buying skincare and makeup are my problem. Realized my problem, I make adjustment and another YouTube account to watch which is Living Light by Coco. I get inspired by the way she lives and continuous watching another minimalist YouTube.

I think the way minimalist living is quite interesting. I know that I buy something not because I need it. It more that the item looks good, it was on sale, I have money on my pocket. The concept is allign with my life vision. I do have an urge to buy a thing, and I have money. But, do I really need it? I need to think twice before I make a decision.


Frankly speaking, my main motivator is money. I want to save money. I saw that minimalist lifestyle make you reduced buy thing that not necessary. Put on some basic item and you ready to go. I don't have to buy bag in 10 colors to become trendy and happy. I don't need to buy more shoes and clothes to look good. In minimalist concept the less is more. I need to spend my money on experience rather than goods.


I do have a dreamy life that I adore and I want to achieve.

I want to have enough, not buying stuff if I don't need it.

I want to travel and experience a lot of things in my 20's.

I want to live healthy, stress free.

I want to spend my time with my family and friends.

I don't want to driven by consumerism and people.

I live for myself.

I think that is the goals that I want to achieve. I know that I can't change overnight. But at least I am trying. I will try to write down my journey in this blog. What in my mind, and what challenge that I get. Well, I do need this blog to evaluate myself actually. But I hope that this can help you to find your way to live simply, beside hundred blogs that speak about minimalism. Hope it can inspire you and make you feel that you are not alone in this journey. I make a mistake, and I am not shy to share this with you so we can learn together.

Just do your best. This journey is personal. You can start it slow or fast. You can declutter your whole stuff and live with the necessities. Or you can save some stuff that you enjoy and make you happy. Just remember not to giving up. We can do it together.


10 Maret 2016

Review my 25 to do before 25


this is the third month of 2016. There is another 3 months for me before I turn 25!!
Since I make a goals before I turn 25, I think I need to make a review about how it goes. And maybe makes some change because there is something that I can't do for the next 3 months.

Why I make an adjustment, because as you guys know I moved to Bandung unexpectedly. It was not in my plan. So, some of my wishlist will be impossible. And some of my wishlist just too specific, so I will make it more general. I need to make it more flexible so it will achievable.

Kiko's Engagement Party. Misteri sebuah jodoh

Seminggu yang lalu saya mendapat kabar bahagia dari salah satu teman baik saat kuliah, KIKO. Dia mengundang saya untuk datang ke acara lamarannya.

Jujur saya kaget ketika mendengarnya. Karena teman saya yang satu itu saat ditanya tentang asmara selalu berkata bahwa dia tidak punya. Memang selama masa studinya di Inggris kemarin, banyak laki-laki yang mendekatinya. Namun, dia tidak bergeming. Hingga akhirnya Kiko pun memutuskan untuk menerima pinangan salah satu rekannya, Mas Aga. I am so happy for her.

Kalo kata Kiko, dia pergi ke Inggris dapat dua berkah.
1. Gelar Master
2. Mister (husband to be)

hihihi.. bisa aja ya Kiko.

Masih inget banget, pertengahan tahun 2014 ketika kami merayakan ulang tahunnya. Di situ semua orang, kami dan keluarga Kiko mendoakan agar sepulangnya Kiko dari Inggris mendapatkan jodoh yang baik. Alhamdulillah doa tersebut dikabulkan oleh Allah. Memang yang namanya jodoh itu hanya Allah yang tahu.

Sebagai hambanya kita hanya bisa berdoa dan berusaha. Kalo memang jodoh gak akan kemana, gak perlu khawatir deh. Saya belum terlalu kenal sih sama calonnya, Mas Aga ini. Tapi kalo dilihat sekilas orangnya kayaknya baik deh. Haha.. sok tau..

Yang pasti sih Mas Aga ini terlihat pintar, dia memang akan melanjutkan S3 di Aussie tahun ini. Which means that Kiko juga akan cao ke Aussie akhir tahun. Yah.. sedih deh ditinggal Kiko lagi. Semoga acaranya di bulan September akan lancar buat Kiko dan Mas Aga. Doa yang gak terputus untuk kebahagiaan keduanya, semoga kekal hingga akhirat nanti. Amin..

01 Maret 2016

Management Trainee Danone - Flashback

Graduation Day..

Bukan, bukan graduation day UGM lagi kali ini. Tapi graduation day dari MT Danone. Time flies..
Sepertinya baru saja 23 Februari 2014 saya menandatangani kontrak untuk bekerja di Nutricia menjadi seorang Management Trainee. Memasuki dunia kerja adalah hal yang baru. Ada rasa takut, excited, juga gelisah yang melebur menjadi satu. Let's flashback...

Buat teman2 di luar sana yang pengen masuk jadi MT Danone, ini mungkin bisa jadi sum up apa yang bakal teman-teman lakukan kalo jadi MT Sales di Nutricia

Saya yakin ketika orang mendengar tentang kerja jadi sales pasti mikirnya salesman. Sama, saya juga dulu mikir kayak gitu. Jujur saya gak terlalu tau apa sih yang dilakukan oleh orang sales. 

Job desc nya apa sih? Ya pasti jualan, tapi bukan yang satu satu ke pintu rumah atau di jalan ya. Ternyata salesman jualannya gak cuma jualan langsung kayak gitu. Ada beberapa bagian yang bisa kamu lakukan kalo kerja di bidang sales. Nah, saat kamu jadi MT sales di Nutricia, kamu akan mengalami beberapa chapter, tiap chapter kamu akan dikasih project trus di akhir waktu yang ditentukan kamu harus presentasi di depan Direktur Sales dan orang HR yang akan melihat apakah kamu pantas untuk lulus atau gak.

Kalo lulus, kamu bisa lanjut ke chapter berikutnya, kalo gak ya,,
Bye bye.. mungkin bisa dicoba di tempat lain

Nah, kemarin apa aja sih yang dilakukan?
Let's see..

Just rambling

 Pernah gak sih kalian tu ngerasa bingung.. Mau ngapain ya? Duh bosan..  Trus berakhir dengan scrolling ig gak jelas.. Itulah yang kulakukan...